Easily buy Litecoin for Dollars, Euros and Pounds.
Buying Litecoin (one of the first cryptocurrencies) is available on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Both on the cryptocurrency exchange Zonda as well as on other exchanges.
However, before you decide to buy Litecoin, it is worth getting acquainted with what distinguishes this electronic currency. The technological structure of the Litecoin blockchain is very similar to Bitcoin, with the difference that it has been designed to be more efficient. The block transfer and processing speed was 4 times faster than Bitcoin. This is what caught the attention of early investors.
Litecoin was launched in 2011, when the purchase of Bitcoin was already possible and was hailed “digital silver” shortly after. Currently, the purchase of Litecoin is possible, among others, on the Zonda Global cryptocurrency exchange.
Litecoin is an encrypted digital electronic currency based on a blockchain and a peer-to-peer system. Blocks are processed in 2.5 minutes, which means, that transactions are four times faster than Bitcoin. The Litecoin network was designed in such a way that 84 million Litecoins could be mined, which means that the target will be about 4 times more than Bitcoin.
The creator of the Litecoin cryptocurrency is Charlie Lee, who previously worked at Google, and then was a director in one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges – Coinbase. Due to the Chinese origin of the founder of Litecoin, it is also sometimes referred to as “Chinese cryptocurrency”. This digital currency is an internet peer-to-peer currency that enables instant worldwide shipping at a relatively low cost. Litecoin is a fully decentralized trading system and its operation is not supervised by any administrators. Control is the system itself and the users who use it. I wonder if, due to the regional proximity of origin, they will enter into cooperation with some larger electronics manufacturer such as Motorola, Huawei, Apple, Xiaomi, Microsoft, IBM, Samsung or LG, Nokia, Oppo.
It is worth emphasizing that Litecoin is an open-source program, available under the MIT / X11 license. Thanks to this, it is possible to run, modify or copy and distribute it, even in the case of changed versions of the system. Everything is published in a transparent manner, so you can independently verify the executable files and their source code. More details You can find at official website of Litecoin – litecoin.org
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Litecoin has lost popularity and market capitalization in recent months and years. However, this does not mean that it is inferior to other cryptocurrency projects. It is still trusted and popular among many investors and fans. In our opinion, it has a good chance for further development and taking root in the market. As of today, Litecoin LTC is not at the forefront of the most well-known encrypted electronic currencies as it was just a few years ago. However, it still remains in the top 20 digital currencies with the largest market capitalization
Buying Litecoin LTC is possible on many different cryptocurrency exchanges and exchange offices. One of the places is the Zonda Global exchange, which operates worldwide and offers transactions in multiple currencies such as dollars and euros. Therefore, it doesn’t matter at all whether an investor lives in Ukraine, the United States, the United Kingdom or perhaps Denmark, the Netherlands, India or Malaysia or any other corner of the globe. With this platform, buying and selling Litecoin is possible easily, quickly and conveniently.