The best, most popular and interesting cryptocurrencies

Which cryptocurrencies are the most interesting, the best or the most popular?

Which cryptocurrencies are the most interesting, the best or the most popular?
You made the decision to start investing in the cryptocurrency market. Would you like to know the opinion of others about which cryptocurrencies invest and which they consider to be the most interesting, best or simply the most popular?

Many of you probably would only like to see a simple ranking called “The best cryptocurrencies” or “The most interesting cryptocurrencies in 2020” etc. Unfortunately, making such a ranking is not so easy. Many people are leaning towards different concepts when investing in digital currencies. Some buy them for a longer investment period, while others decide to trade and buy / sell cryptocurrencies frequently.

intresting cryptocurrency

The most popular or the most interesting cryptocurrencies?

Due to the multitude of investment opportunities and the variety of approaches, creating the following ranking was not easy. It is only our subjective list of the best and most interesting cryptocurrencies in 2018 (the order is not accidental):

NEO – this cryptocurrency is our favorite from the beginning. Mainly due to the fact that it is the native Chinese encrypted electronic currency and this is how we know the huge market. It shows a strong and clear upward trend, obviously dependent on Bitcoin fluctuations. Buying NEO is not available on most cryptocurrency exchanges. We found them on the Binance foreign cryptocurrency exchange

Ethereum (ETH) – one of the first and largest blockchain and cryptocurrency networks gives a specific ether for the functioning of other cryptocurrency projects. At the same time, its price is in a stable and clear upward trend. Is one of the best and most popular cryptocurrencies available on stock exchanges. Buying Ethereum is possible on the BitBay exchange (create a free account)

most popular cryptocurrency

Other popular cryptocurrencies

Litecoin and Lisk – two cryptocurrencies starting with the letter “L”. They are certainly interesting due to the fact that they use the best technological solutions in the world of cryptocurrency, which may make them in the future one of the dominant on this market. They also belong to the group of the most popular cryptocurrencies. Buying Litecoin and Lisk is possible on the european Zonda cryptocurrency exchange.

Bitcoin – of course you can’t miss Bitcoin – cryptocurrency gold. Although it is already somewhat technologically outdated, it is still the most popular cryptocurrency. It should be remembered that the valuation of many other cryptocurrencies depends on its exchange rate due to its commercial and sentimental connection to the cryptocurrency market. Buying Bitcoin is basically possible on all cryptocurrency exchanges (sometimes only Bitcoin exchanges for e.g. traditional currencies).

Ripple – one of the best technologically cryptocurrencies is already used by serious financial corporations, so its future is rather in good colors. The purchase is available on the europeann bitcoin exchange – BitBay

the best cryptocurriencies
cryptocurrency lisk

Other interesting cryptocurrencies

Enjin – a cryptocurrency created for the gaming industry and players. It is used in many different games and is still being developed. It is available on the Binance foreign exchange. For many analysts, it seems to be the most interesting among the cryptocurrencies used in games. In our opinion, this digital currency has very good e-marketing support.

Other interesting projects that we have managed to reach during several years of interest in this market are undoubtedly:

EOS – ranked first in numerous rankings. Considered by many to be the best cryptocurrency in the world.

Chainlink – which has numerous partnerships and specific applications, and its price is constantly and steadily rising.

Binance Coin – a cryptocurrency created by the Binance exchange for clearing transactions. It allows for savings in the trader’s portfolio through lower commissions.

Most of these most interesting cryptocurrencies are not available on smaller exchanges. One of the largest Binance cryptocurrency exchanges in the world enables the purchase of several hundred different digital currencies. You can register on it immediately by clicking the link below.


For more than 6 years, he has been interested in cryptocurrencies, tokens and blockchain, as well as other modern technologies like artificial intelligence. I have been actively investing for more than 10 years. I have developed hundreds of highly substantive articles and publications for this and many other external portals.