
bitbay news

Cryptocurrency exchange BitBay introduces new products

BitBay is, according to the prestigious ranking of CoinMarketCap, the best cryptocurrency exchange in Europe. It already has over 800,000 users. Its founder is a member of the Polish Bitcoin Association – Sylwester Suszek. BitBay representatives can be found at the biggest events related to digital currencies. The first version of the stock exchange made…
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end of bitcoin boom 2021

Is this the end of the boom on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

Is this the end of the boom in the cryptocurrency and Bitcoin markets? Investors all over the world have been asking this question for several days. In recent days, Bitcoin, and with it also other cryptocurrency projects, have experienced a significant decline in value. Could it mean the end of the boom in this market?…
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bitcoin btc ath

Bitcoin reaches a new ATH

Bitcoin (BTC) Breaks Historical Highs (ATH) Yesterday, February 8, 2021, it happened what many Bitcoin investors had been waiting for a long time and had been talked about for a long time. Is the price of Bitcoin able to break the previous record at $ 40,000 for 1 piece. It turns out that yes! All…
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2020 Cryptocurrency Highlights

2020 Cryptocurrency Highlights

The most important events in the world of cryptocurrencies in 2020 For some industries, 2020 has been a stagnant year, but the cryptocurrency world is not slowing down! Which cryptocurrencies were the strongest last year? Which projects developed the fastest? What new solutions have appeared on the market? We summarize the most important events on…
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cryptocurrency for gamers

The best cryptocurrencies for players!

The world of cryptocurrencies, just like the worlds in the best games, is very extensive and interesting. For several years, there have been other projects dedicated to players among digital currency projects. Their goal is to enable easy buying and exchanging items and games for individual digital currencies and tokens. How does it work in…
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bitcoin exchange bitflyer

The largest Bitcoin exchanges in the world

In 2009, no one expected that the project of a decentralized money network, the idea of ​​Satoshi Nakamoto, based on the then unknown blockchain technology, would become a revolution in the world of finance, and the creator, unknown until today, would start a kind of economic revolution and change the perception of modern payments forever.…
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the most interesting cryptocurrencies in 2021

The most interesting cryptocurrencies for 2024!

2020 was extremely dynamic in the cryptocurrency market. The most interesting and popular designs of encrypted electronic currencies are gaining in importance and value. The price of some of them hovers around historical highs again. Which of them can be selected as the most interesting cryptocurrencies of 2021? What to consider when determining the most…
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bitcoin price in 2021

What will be value of Bitcoin in 2021?

The past few weeks for Bitcoin have been very good. It gains value dynamically and steadily. It recently broke the historic makisma established during the last boom in the cryptocurrency market at the turn of 2017 and 2018, reaching a value of over 27,000. dollars per one. Now, most Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency enthusiasts ask…
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bitcoin price

Is this the end of the boom on cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin?

Is this the end of the boom on cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin? The last hours and 2-3 days were not happy for cryptocurrency investors, of course, mainly Bitcoin. Of course, many of them made profits by selling their cryptocurrencies. But what are people who have just recently bought Bitcoin or other digital currencies to think? These…
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what is cryptocurrency exchange

What is a cryptocurrency exchange?

Do You know what is a cryptocurrency exchange? Perhaps a part of wondering what the cryptocurrency exchange really is and what it covers from the Bitcoin exchange or exchange. Cryptocurrency exchange to other words, a platform for the sale and exchange of encrypted electronic currencies In other words, it is a website that allows you…
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