Binance registration


Easy, fast and convenient registration on Binance. Create your free account now and discover the world of cryptocurrencies. Start trading, mining and earning from cryptocurrencies today! Click on the button below or scan the QR code.

Encrypted and secure transition to the Binance exchange


Scan the QR code on your phone and register on Binance via your smartphone.

Quick step-by-step registration on Binance

Registering on the Binance exchange is really simple. Here are your step-by-step instructions for registering on Binance. Join millions of satisfied users and investors. Trade and earn together with them. Creating an account is completely free. Verification is required to start a buy-sell transaction so have your identity documents ready.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Step 5


Why choose the Binance exchange?

First of all, Binance is one of the largest and most stable cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It offers a large availability of various cryptocurrencies and tokens. What characterises this cryptocurrency exchange is certainly the very high trading liquidity. The turnover of this exchange amounts to billions of dollars and the number of active users is constantly growing. This puts this platform at the forefront of global providers of this type of service. The number of cryptocurrencies available and actively traded exceeds 200.

Binance registration

Through our website, you can securely register on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange. It is completely free of charge, however, in order to use the trading features of this platform you must verify your personal and account details. After that, you can deposit any FIAT currency such as GBP, euro or USD and buy the cryptocurrencies or tokens of your choice.

Encrypted and secure transition to the Binance exchange

FAQ - registering on Binance

Frequently asked questions about registering on Binance

  • 1. How does the registration process on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange work?

    Registration on Binance is intuitive and quick. To get started, visit the exchange's official website and click the ‘Register’ button. Enter your email address and a strong password, then confirm your registration via the link sent to your email. It is worth noting that once you have created your account, you can increase its security by activating two-factor authentication (2FA).

  • 2. Is registration on Binance free and are there any hidden fees involved?

    Of course, the registration process on the Binance exchange is completely free. There are no hidden fees for creating an account or maintaining it. However, there may be standard transaction fees associated with cryptocurrency trading and withdrawals when using the platform.

  • 3. What documents are required to fully verify an account on Binance?

    You will need a valid identity document such as an ID card, passport or driver's licence to complete the verification of your identity (KYC). Additionally, you may need to provide a document that proves your residential address, such as a utility bill. Without a doubt, full verification allows you to access all features of the exchange and higher trading limits.

  • 4. Can I use Binance without performing identity verification?

    In fact, Binance allows limited use of the platform without full verification. You can make small trades and use basic features. However, KYC verification is required to access the full range of services, such as P2P trading and higher withdrawal limits. Therefore, we recommend carrying out this process for full functionality.

  • 5. What security measures does Binance employ when registering and using an account?

    Undeniably, Binance pays great attention to user security. The platform uses advanced cryptographic technologies, SSL protocols and two-factor authentication (2FA). In addition, anti-phishing and monitoring systems for unauthorised activities are regularly updated. Therefore, you can rest assured that your data and funds are protected at the highest level.